Our Chocolate Specialties

Custom Products

VEGAN CHOCOLATE SILK - Our newest addition to the Chocolate Silk line!   A dense satin-smooth chocolate utilizing a non-dairy butter and organic blue agave nectar culminates in a gorgeous chocolate simply made with no dairy, no animal products.  Unbelievable texture!   A variety of semi-sweet & dark chocolate flavors available.

LOW-SUGAR CHOCOLATE SILK - A beautiful alternative is our low-sugar Chocolate Silk sweetened with organic blue agave nectar giving the chocolate the velvety texture and moist appeal of our original Chocolate Silk!  Dark chocolate selections only.  (also contains some malitol sweetener).

SUGAR-FREE CHOCOLATE SILK - A sugar-free version of our Chocolate Silk using Stevia as the primary sweetener resulting in a very flavorful chocolate of smooth texture.  Dark chocolate selections only.  (also contains some malitol sweetener).


THE CHOCOLATE ARCHITECT welcomes custom Chocolate Silk orders & flavors. Our standard flavor offerings are seasonal.  The Master Flavor List (see What is Chocolate Silk? page) may be used when placing custom orders out-of-season for corporate, wedding, or other uses with quantities of at least 60 full-sized blocks of our Chocolate Silkof a single flavor.  Our small-batch process allows us to produce custom flavors with relative ease.  Let us know what interests you!